Oliver Fincher
American Medical Publishers
Medical Science - Ageing
$ 163
Gerontology is characterized as the scientific study of the phenomena of aging. The goal of gerontology is to trace the changes that take place in a cell, a tissue, an organ system, a group of organisms with the passage of time. Some of the common fields that fall under this domain are biogerontology, social gerontology, environmental gerontology, and jurisprudential gerontology. Gerontology utilizes the methodologies of many other scientific and medical disciplines and aims to learn about the aging process for the purpose of possibly minimizing the disabilities of old age. Geriatrics is a subset of gerontology that is concerned with the prevention and treatment of diseases in older people. This book provides comprehensive insights into the field of gerontology. It provides significant information of this discipline to help develop a good understanding of gerontology and related fields. Students and researchers actively engaged in this field will find this book full of crucial and unexplored concepts.