Trinity Harper
American Medical Publishers
Complementary and Alternative Medicine
$ 136.99
Traditional Chinese medicine is based on the ancient Chinese medical practice that involves various forms of cupping therapy, herbal medicine, bonesetter, exercise, gua sha, massage, acupuncture and dietary therapy. The Chinese herbal medicine uses both biotic and non-biotic substances including human, animal and mineral products. Chinese medicine is based on the belief that the vital energy of the body circulates through the channels known as meridians. These meridians have branches connected to body organs and functions. The primary focus of Chinese medicine is on the functions of the body such as breathing, digestion and temperature maintenance. Disease is seen as a disharmony and imbalance in the interactions and functions of yin, yang, meridians and qi along with the interaction between the human body and the environment. Diagnosis in Chinese medicine focuses on tracing symptoms in order to determine a pattern of an underlying disharmony. This book is compiled in such a manner, that it will provide an in-depth knowledge about the theory and practice of Chinese medicine. Students, researchers, experts and all associated with this field will benefit alike from this book.