Robert Jameson
American Medical Publishers
Orthopedics, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
$ 161.99
Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic inflammatory form of arthritis which occurs in people with psoriasis. It causes swelling of fingers and toes, thickening of nails, depressions in the nail, and detachment of the nail from the nailbed. Certain symptoms are specific to this condition, such as enthesitis and dactylis. Psoriatic arthritis can occur in both children and adults. Genetics, obesity and psoriasis are major risk factors for psoriatic arthritis. There are five different types of disease - oligoarticular, polyarticular, spondyloarthritis, arthritis mutilans and distal interphalangeal predominant. Health history, physical examinations, blood tests and X-rays help in the diagnosis of this condition. Its treatment is directed at the control and reduction of inflammation. Biological response modifiers or disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs are recommended for preventing irreversible joint destruction. NSAIDs are usually effective against milder forms of psoriatic arthritis. This book is compiled in such a manner, that it will provide in-depth knowledge about the symptoms, diagnosis and the care and treatment of psoriatic arthritis. The aim of this book is to present researches that have transformed our understanding of arthritis and aided its advancement. For someone with an interest and eye for detail, this book covers the most significant topics in this domain.