Atlas Holmes
American Medical Publishers
Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences
$ 150.99
Safety pharmacology deals with the detection and analysis of the potential adverse pharmacodynamic and pharmacological effects of new chemical entities (NCEs) on physiological processes, apart from the desired therapeutic effects. Such adverse effects of NCEs can be dangerous, especially in people who have damaged or reduced organ system functions. Safety pharmacology is vital throughout the process of drug discovery and development. There are three main goals of non-clinical safety pharmacology evaluations. First goal is to protect phase I clinical trial volunteers from acute drug side effects; second goal is to protect patients (including patients in phase II and III clinical trials), and last goal is to reduce the risk of failure during drug development and post-marketing phase due to undesirable pharmacodynamic effects. It is a fast-growing area of study in pharmacology and requires regulatory guidance. This book is a valuable compilation of topics, ranging from the basic to the most complex advancements in safety pharmacology. It explores all the important aspects of this field in the present day scenario. This book will serve as a valuable reference source for students and researchers.