Emily Belcher
American Medical Publishers
Gynaecology & Obstetrics
$ 157
Lactation is a process which involves the secretion of milk through the mammary glands. It also describes the period in which a mother lactates to feed her new born child. The procedure normally occurs in all sexually mature female mammals. The process of feeding a child with breast milk is called breastfeeding or nursing. Breast milk can be fed directly from the breast, or it can be pumped to be given to the child later. Breastfeeding starts a few hours after the birth of a baby and can be continued as long as the baby needs it. The infants cannot be fed with any foods or drinks till they turn six months old. New-born babies are prescribed vitamin D for ensuring that they are able to absorb calcium and phosphorus. After completing six months, the baby can be fed foods advised by the doctors, but breastfeeding should continue till one or two years of age. This book explores all the important aspects of breastfeeding and lactation care in the present day scenario. The topics included herein are of utmost significance and bound to provide incredible insights to readers. This book will serve as a reference to a broad spectrum of readers.