Shemeka Hoover
American Medical Publishers
Diagnostic Imaging
$ 155
Electromagnetism refers to the force of electric and magnetic fields which is frequently used in various technologies. Electromagnetic technologies are also used in medical imaging and diagnostics. The advancements in electromagnetic engineering such as computational methods, imaging theory and algorithms, measurement techniques, etc. have led to the development of this technology. Such advancements have led to development of low-cost, portable, and accurate microwave sensing/imaging systems which can help in overcoming various challenges existing in medical diagnostics. Currently, the electromagnetism research is focused on the use of microwave technologies in medical imaging and diagnostics. Microwave medical imaging makes use of the prominent dielectric contrast between healthy and disease-affected tissues to detect a pathological condition. The objective of microwave sensing technology is to monitor physiological parameters such as heart-rate, or disease-related biomarkers in the blood. A new medical application named microwave tomography is emerging as an effective means to monitor thermal ablation. In this book, various advancements in electromagnetic technology having applications in medical diagnostics have been looked at in detail. Medical researchers, scientists and students actively engaged in this field will find it full of crucial and unexplored concepts.